Who is the lucky organization that will employ our summer intern when she graduates from Boston College in 2021? Here are a few reasons to celebrate Crystal.
How do we love thee?
First, Crystal Chen is a remarkable young lady, simple as that. With the outline of a foundation, Crystal brought our homegrown brand from online infancy closer to adulthood this summer…well ok, maybe closer to a bat mitzvah. So as Fruitations grows forward, it’s because of Crystal’s hard work and collaborative mind on your screens and behind the scenes.
Second, Crystal is easy to understand, a clear communicator. She led us and launched us into a larger social media universe, and now Fruitations is more computer literate than ever. (Reality check: thanks goodness she’s on call!)
And third, Crystal is better than anyone at comprehending my vision for Fruitations and brilliantly translating it to our fans and supporters. The result became newsletters, offers, social media, even coaxing yours truly out of my comfort zone and into the spotlight . These actions were not easy and Crystal taught us how to tie it all together, so please keep up that engagement, fair reader!
More to love
In addition, Crystal has excellent taste, and our original Fruitations Cranberry is her favorite. Turning 21 years old over the summer, vodka is next on her agenda. You remember the recipe, don’t you, Miss Chen?
Added bonus, Crystal is the type of quality human being that any person would be fortunate to know. My new friend delivered all summer from NY to MA, always on time, always laughing at my jokes, and never once hinting at her own personal achievements.
And finally, for now, Crystal is as authentic as they come; modest in her intelligence and capabilities. A Boston College school project run amok evolved into a summer job, but did she let it get in the way of her role as Captain of the Boston College Fencing Team? Did it hold her back from myriad roles she plays across campus in student and athletic organizations, and an on-campus job? Hell, no!
What it all comes down to…
Simple, easy, better. Taste, quality, authenticity. That’s our girl, forever our Fruitationista, Crystal Chen. #haveyourmoment